Belmont Story Review is a national magazine of literary arts, faith and culture.

Established in 2016, the magazine aims to surprise and delight readers through an eclectic mix of storytelling which includes fiction, personal essay, and poetry at the intersection of faith and culture.

Belmont Story Review seeks to publish new and established writers passionate about their craft, fearlessly encountering difficult ideas, seeking to explore the human experience. We feature works of fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. "Faith" is not a specific religious perspective but a broad idea of faith is important for all of our selected publications.

Read full submissions info on our website before you submit, and see the FAQ page on our website for common questions we receive regarding submissions.

Belmont Story Review pays in 1 printed copy of the volume, plus honorariums in the form of a check in US dollars ($100 for prose, $50 for poetry). Honorariums can only be provided by U.S. check with a complimentary copy of the magazine. Because we are university-sponsored, we must request a W-9 Form from all of our selected contributors in order to be paid. For those who cannot receive U.S. checks (i.e. outside of the U.S. or Canada), we can pay in kind with additional copies of the magazine. We have no other way to pay you, and by submitting to us you agree that you can receive a check in the U.S. and/or are comfortable being paid in print copies and foregoing monetary compensation if you are outside of the U.S.

Upon submission, we will collect your email address for our newsletter (we only post a few times a year), but there will be an opt-out option if you do not wish to receive it.

Belmont Story Review Volume 9 will publish in November 2024.  We need YOUR cover art to complete this volume, whose theme is passage.


What You'll Send Us

Please reference the covers of volumes 5 onward and put your own spin on this aesthetic (using the brand colors) to represent to our Art Editors (who will be debating and selecting our cover art) your own take on the theme of  passage.

Your submission will be considered for our ninth volume, which will be in print and also published online.




300ppi to be reproduced in print at 300dpi 


3 brand colors may be used:


C: 0

M: 0

Y: 0

K: 100%


R: 0

G: 0

B: 0

HEX: 000000



C: 65%

M: 37%

Y: 69%

K: 36%


R: 74

G: 98

B: 74


HEX: 4a624a



C: 14

M: 14

Y: 20

K: 0


R: 217

G: 210

B: 197


HEX: d9d2c5

You  may use your own original art or copyright-free images from the public domain. BSR will not pay for the rights to any images you have not produced. The use of Ai is expressly forbidden, we want 100% human-created (even with digital tools) art.

With your submission, please include cover page with a brief artist statement and bio. An example of what that looks like is as follows, please follow suit:


About the artist: Avery Kiker is a freelance writer and designer based in Chicago, IL. She is passionate about storytelling through both her written and visual projects. To see her work or say hello, visit

From the artist: We witness the world in countless ways. Through our own lived experiences, stories told by our loved ones, the pages of our favorite books. And, over the years, we've gained new lenses through which to view things— conversations over text and video calls, a constant stream of updates from our social networks, news sources that are updating real-time in the palm of our hand. These things increase our field of vision in some ways, but they can also distract us from the things taking place where we are. In a time where it feels like the whole world is at our fingertips—in sight but out of reach—do you want to witness it from afar or bear witness to the part of it that's right in front of you?


What We'll Send You If You Are Selected for Publication

The selected cover art contributor will receive $100 and 2 free print copies.

Only contributors able to receive payment via paper check in the U.S. or Canada (have a social security number and can fill out a W9) can be paid, others agree automatically by submitting that their location outside the U.S. or Canada does not guarantee them pay other than 3 in-kind copies of the issue in which they are printed.

Who Can Submit

Anyone who is willing to agree to our payment terms above. No affiliation with Belmont University is necessary, although Belmont University faculty, staff, and current and former students are able to submit their work to be considered for our BSR cover art.

Belmont Story Review